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曹旸,博士研究生,讲师。2015年博士毕业于美国加州大学洛杉矶分校大气与海洋科学专业,师从美国气象学会会士Robert G. Fovell教授。2015年至2017年期间,于加州大学洛杉矶分校、亚利桑那大学做博士后研究。研究方向为下坡焚风引起的火灾天气、热带气旋(台风)等极端气象灾害天气的大气模式预测、预警和它们对公众、环境与农业的危害评估。作为科研骨干,参与研发了圣塔安娜焚风引起的林火危害指数(Santa Ana Wildfire Threat Index): https://ssl123f688a5b9ccd83fe6db030c2f73d9d8ba.vpn.njtech.edu.cn/psp/sawti,此指数被美国政府的全球变化研究项目的US Climate Resilience Toolkit收录并广泛使用。2022年至今在新利18彩票 工作。在本研究领域发表文章十余篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者发表文章在本领域著名国际期刊,如Monthly Weather Review, Weather and Forecasting等。长期担任Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, Monthly Weather Review, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climate等国际知名期刊审稿人。



美国国家科学基金ATM-0554765:Tropical Cyclone Structure, Intensity and Track Forecast,2009-2011,项目骨干

San Diego Gas & Electric项目基金:Meteorological Conditions Associated with Critical Fire,2011-2015,项目骨干

美国博士后科学基金:Renewable Energy (Wind、Gust ) Forecast,2015-2017,课题负责人





1. Wenbo, Xin, I. De Rosa M, P. Ye, L. Zheng,Y. Cao, C. Cao, L. Carlson, J.M. Yang, 2019: Simplified Fabrication Strategy of Graphene Liquid Cells for in-situ TEM study of Au nanoparticles.Journal of Physical Chemistry C,123, 4523-4530, doi: doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b11704.

2. Wenbo, Xin, I. De Rosa M,Y. Cao, X. Yin, H. Yu, P. Ye, L. Carlson and J. M. Yang, 2018: Ultrasonication- assisted Synthesis of High Aspect Ratio Gold Nanowires on A Graphene Template and Investigation of Their Growth Mechanism.Chemical Communications,54, 4124-4127, doi: 10.1039/C8CC01727A.

3.Cao, Y., R. G. Fovell, 2018: Downslope windstorms of San Diego County. Part II: Physics Ensemble Analyses and Gust Forecasting,Weather and Forecasting,33, 539–559, doi:10.1175/WAF-D-17-0177.1.

4. Fovell, R. G.,Y. Cao, 2017: The Santa Ana winds of Southern California: Winds, gusts, and the 2007 Witch fire.Wind Structures - An International Journal,24(6), 529 - 564, doi:10.12989/was.2017.24.6. 529.

5. Fovell, R. G., Y. P. Bu, K. L. Corbosiero, W.-W. Tung,Y. Cao, H.-C. Kuo, L.-H. Hsu, and H. Su, 2016: Influence of cloud microphysics and radiation on tropical cyclone structure and motion: A review.Michio Yanai Symposium Monograph, American Meteorological Society.

6. Rolinski, T., S. B. Capps, R. G. Fovell,Y. Cao, B. J. D’Agostino and S. C. Vanderburg, 2016: The Santa Ana Wildfire Threat Index methodology explained.Weather and Forecasting,31, 1881-1897, doi:10.1175/WAF-D-15-0141.1.

7.Cao, Y.,R. G. Fovell, 2016: Downslope windstorms of San Diego County. Part I: A Case Study.Monthly Weather Review,144, 529-552, doi:10.1175/MWR- D-15-0147.1.

8. Fovell, R. G., andY. Cao, 2015: A simple model for the live fuel moisture of chamise.5.3 11th Symposium on Fire and Forest Meteorology, Minneapolis, MN.

9. Fovell, R. G., andY. Cao, 2014: Wind and gust forecasting in complex terrain.5A.2 15th Annual WRF Users’ Workshop, NCAR.

10.Cao, Y., and R. G. Fovell, 2013: Predictability and sensitivity of downslope windstorms in San Diego County. 7.615th Conf. on Mesoscale Processes,American Meteorological Society.

11.Cao, Y.,R. G. Fovell, and K. L. Corbosiero, 2011: Tropical cyclone track and structure sensitivity to initialization in idealized simulations: A preliminary study.Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences,22, 559-578, doi:10.3319/TAO.2011.05.12.01(TM).

12.Cao, Y., andJ. Chen2007: The evaluationofAIDS treatment and prediction models for the curative effect.Computer Knowledge and Technology,21,621-647,doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-3044.2007.21.014.

